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Tuesday, August 30, 2011


It's nice when you get that feeling of overwhelming gratefulness.
I am grateful for a lot of people in my life... the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Every person makes an impact on your life one way or another.

Currently I am grateful for my darling boyfriend.
He puts up with all my crazy antics even when he lives in a different state.
Sometimes it is hard, for both of us I know but those are the times when you become grateful.
I am grateful to have him in my life and would put up with an immense amount of nonsense to keep him there.

I think in life it is hard to see how great you really have it when you are in it.
But in reality you most likely have it better than most and people are dying to be where you are.

I just want to say.. let people know that you are grateful to have them around.
You may think so but.. they don't always know.
And even if they do it is a nice thing to hear every now and then.

<3Be grateful, Be peaceful, and live on

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