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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hump day,

All of my 6 papers are finished. Just have to finish my business plan and I am on the home stretch of finishing this class.
Tomorrow(actually today because its 2:30 am) is my last externship meeting which I am stoked about.
I am also excited that everyone is packing and talking about packing and we are leavingggg!
I feel like even though I am annoyed with a lot of people in my group because we have been together so long.. I also feel like some things are getting smoother.
For that I am thankful to say the least. Not to say that I needed it to smooth out or was wanting it too because I felt fine about it but it just kinda happened or is happening and it takes a weight off my shoulders.
I started out this journey telling myself to stick by what I believe but be the bigger person but in the end I think that what I actually ended up learning was that things are worth fighting for but only to a certain extent.
Sometimes its just not worth making a big deal about and I see that point of view.
I guess you can't hold a grudge forever.
I hope this break helps and next year works out better since I am more knowledgeable.

As I read this blog back to myself.. it's confusing but.. I guess it makes sense to what I am thinking about and probably for who and what its about.

8 days till Madre gets here and 10 days until I leave =)

<3 Be Peaceful

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