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Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Home.

Florida is where I was born, where my dad grew up, where I grew up, where I know, where most things I love are.
So when you decide that it's the place you are going to land your insults on please, go else where.
"the place where old northerners go"
"not the south. not the north"
We get it.. super original.
So we have old people. So does your state.
the difference?... nothing else was bad enough to make fun of in Florida unlike your state.
Not all of Florida is old people and I bet you'd trade any day of walking through snow to come lay on the beach in my state.
And if we are the north or the south, you're probably not very intelligent.

People need to realize that some times what they say goes deeper than they actually know.
You hate on someones town, someones home, someones car, or shoes, or shirt, or hair or anything..
But it could mean a whole lot more than just that to someone.
Maybe someone special got it for them, or it has significant meaning more than the eye can see.
Maybe that state you are making fun of is the place that I am missing more than anything and would do anything to be in right now.. with my family.. where it doesn't snow.

To me Florida is everything I know.
Florida made me who I am.
Florida is where I was raised.
And I will rep my state till I die.

Think of not only what you say but also how it will effect the people around you.

<3 Be Peaceful

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