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Sunday, January 16, 2011

I'll stop the world and melt with you

is Sunday
My Fathers birthday[HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY! (:  ]
69 days on the count down
and a good day.
I feel like progress was made today and for that I am greatful
This week will pass quickly I think and before I know it..
I will be in a new class with yet another new chef.
and I will be one block closer to Florida.
I feel optimism radiating through my skin
as if everyone can see the excitement and longing.
I am glad to feel happy about something and 
I am proud of myself for dealing with things the way I have been.. 
I feel like I am proving to myself that I have grown these few months I have been here
I want to grown up to be respectable to everyone, in the chance people will respect me.
Moral of the story?
despite all the bad, despite the drama, and of course stress.. I'm Happy.

Wise words..
The glass is always full.. half water, half air.

<3 Be Peaceful