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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's offical folks!

Today is a good day.
For the Following Reasons:
1) We are well into 29 days left. I cannot believe we are already in to the twenties and I can't wait to get them over with!
2) This is my 50th blog post. So I think happiness is an appropriate topic and will celebrate this feat.
3) Today is the last day of class until Monday and I am in hopes that it will be an amazing and fun filled Thanksgiving Break.
4) I have the best Boyfriend in the world, as well as Parents, Family, and Friends.

I am thankful for happy days like these especially since they have gotten harder to have
and what a better time to be thankful huh?
I wish I were capable of feeding direct instructions in to peoples heads so I could help them with what they should be thankful of.
Moving to NY for college has made me thankful of so many things I used to take for granted.
and I regret taking them for granted but I'm glad I realize now so that I can make good of them.
because in reality, It's the little things that get you through the day.

People don't realize how much seeing a familiar face, road, or car means regardless of if your actually friends, or know the street or car well... just the familiarity.
Or how much a hug from a family member means.
Or the smile of your nieces and nephews.
Or even just holding the love of your life's hand.
It really is the little tiny things that you forget are the things that actually make your day.

I don't have a lot of these things but I am making due and trying to live off the little things I do have.
Like making Ally laugh so hard she cries. 
or having Krissy corner squat in my bed.
or having 1 am talks with Morgan from our separate beds until we are both to tired to process.

Regardless of the circumstances or home sick feelings,
I am happy.
even if it's just for the moment.
and I will drink it up for as long as I can.

<3 Be Peaceful.

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